Active OHS| Psych Injury Management has Changed| Start the Journey Now| March 2021 Newsletter

Welcome to our March 2021 newsletter! This month we are all about Psychological Injury in the workplace. What it is, how to prevent it, the cost and most importantly how to support your employees who might be at risk?

What is Work-related Stress?

Stress is a physical, mental and emotional reaction that a worker may experience when the demands of their work exceeds their ability or resources to cope. Under work health and safety laws, psychological hazards and risks are treated the same as physical hazards and risks and need to be managed accordingly.

Want to Start the Journey Now?

To understanding Psychological Injury and how to prevent it?

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About the Author

Kerry Foster

Kerry Foster graduated with a B. Social Work in 1980 and since 1995 has been the Director of Active OHS a WorkCover and Comcare Accredited Workplace Rehabilitation Provider.  Active OHS is an Occupational Rehabilitation Centre in Sydney NSW that also offers WHS Training and Consulting, Ergonomic and Medico-legal Assessments as well as Outsourced RTW Co-ordinators.