Between November 20 and December 4 2020 IPSOS conducted a 28-country survey for the World Economic Forum that found:
- COVID-19 prompted about 30% of employed adults to take a leave of absence,
- 56% experienced increased anxiety around job security.
- 55% found changes in work routines and organisation stressful.
- Almost half of all surveyed felt lonely or isolated when working from home.
- More than 40% said their productivity fell and it was hard to get work done at home.
- Lower Income Workers More At Risk
As well the findings revealed people under age 35, business owners, decision-makers, lower-income workers and women were more prone to reporting negative effects on their well-being.
Making a Claim for Psychological Injury
Working from home during Covid-19 has its challenges.
This level of reported stress has implications for people affected by the Covid-19 working arrangements. If they are reporting a high level of stress, a claim for psychological injury could follow Ergonomic issues as well can take their toll when working for an extended period from a makeshift workstation.
These findings of long-term effects are likely to increase psychological injury claims, where early intervention and proper injury management is essential.
Makeshift workstations and home offices that have not been ergonomically assessed will also take their toll as the workforce continues working from home for an extended period.
Want To Read More?
You can read the full World Economic Forum article ‘This is how COVID-19 has impacted workers’ lives around the world’ via This Link
About the author
Kerry Foster
Kerry Foster graduated with a B. Social Work in 1980 and since 1995 has been the Director of Active OHS a WorkCover and Comcare Accredited Workplace Rehabilitation Provider. Active OHS is an Occupational Rehabilitation Centre in Sydney NSW that also offers Work Health & Safety Training and Consulting, Ergonomic and Medico-legal Assessments as well as Outsourced Return To Work Co-ordinators.